Offshore staff
STAVANGER, Norway – Statoil (OSE:STL) has completed its latest appraisal well on the giant Johan Sverdrup discovery in the Norwegian North Sea.
The semisubmersibleOcean Vanguard drilled well 16/2-15 in 111 m (364 ft) water depth on license PL 265, 5 km (3.1 mi) southwest of the original discovery well and 2.3 km (1.4 mi) south of appraisal well 16/2-11.
According to the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, the aims were to examine reservoir thickness and properties in Upper to Middle Jurassic reservoir rocks, and to determine the height of the oil column in this part of the structure.
The well encountered a 30-m (98-ft) gross oil column, of which around 20 m (65 ft) were of anticipated reservoir quality. Theoil/water contact was at the same depth as in neighboring wells.
Two formation tests (mini-DSTs) were performed in the upper part of the Jurassic reservoir, where reservoir quality was less good, with reduced flow properties. However, pressure data indicate that this zone is in communication with the best part of the reservoir.
Gro Haatvedt, senior vice president Exploration Norway, said: “In 2013 we will continue appraising the discovery, and plan to drill from one to three new wells in PL265.”
Ocean Vanguard will next drill exploration well 25/11-26 for Statoil on PL 169.