Offshore staff
ABERDEEN, Scotland– DNV GL is initiating a joint industry project (JIP) to develop guidance for alternative means of personnel transfer onto offshore installations. The “Walk to Work” (W2W) approach, where offshore installations are manned from a ship via a gangway, is being considered and used in the North Sea and in other oil and gas regions to replace or supplement traditional manning methods, such as helicopter, flotel, or barge.
W2W benefits include cost reduction, increased productivity, more flexible man-hour delivery, and reduced risks of accidents Using W2W also provides an alternative to helicopters, should exceptional circumstances impact helicopter availability. In environments influenced by operational needs and sea conditions, W2W requires 24-hour alignment, integration, and collaboration among installation operators, vessel operators, and gangway providers.
The goal of the JIP is to develop and release W2W industry guidance within six months of the project’s beginning to assist regulatory compliance and adherence to existing industry guidelines.