Petrobras biggest winner in offshore Brazil bid round
May 20, 2013
Petrobras says it gained the most blocks auctioned under the National Petroleum Agency’s (ANP) 11th Brazilian bid round.
Offshore staff
RIO DE JANEIRO – Petrobras says it gained the most blocks auctioned under the National Petroleum Agency’s (ANP) 11th Brazilian bid round.
The company secured positions in 34 out of the 289 blocks offered, either on a sole basis or in partnerships. Those with the greatest exploratory potential were in the offshore Foz do Amazonas, Espírito Santo, and Barreirinhas basins.
Petrobras paid a total of R$923 million ($454 million) for its blocks. It plans to expand its knowledge of the geology of the sedimentary basins in these blocks by drilling wells and acquiring large amounts of seismic data.