SEG 2012: WesternGeco shows results of IsoMetrix marine seismic survey

Nov. 7, 2012
WesternGeco featured during the SEG annual meeting in Las Vegas a look at the results of its IsoMetrix marine seismic survey done with the cooperation of Statoil in the North Sea.

Offshore staff

LAS VEGAS –WesternGeco featured during the SEG annual meeting in Las Vegas a look at the results of its IsoMetrix marine seismic survey done with the cooperation of Statoil in the North Sea.

The IsoMetrix technology measures the full up-going and down-going notchless seismic wavefield sampled at a 6.25 m by 6.25 m (20.5 ft by 20.5 ft) point-receiver surface grid. This sampling in both crossline and inline directions makes the data suitable for a variety of interpretation and modeling applications, said WesternGeco.

This ability to measure the wavefield is the result of a new type of towed streamer called Nessie. It combines hydrophones with point receiver, and multi-component, microelectromechanical (MEMS) accelerometers.
