Rowan exercises option for newbuild ultra-deepwater drillship from HHI
Offshore staff
HOUSTON –Rowan Co.s plc (NYSE: RDC) it has exercised its option to build a fourth GustoMSC P10,000 design ultra-deepwater drillship with Hyundai Heavy Industries Co. Ltd. Delivery is scheduled for March 2015.
Cost, including commissioning, project management, and spares, but excluding capitalized interest, is estimated at $620 million.
Rowan plans to equip its drillships with 2,000 ft (610 m) of additional riser to enable operations in water depths up to 12,000 ft (3,568 m) upon delivery. Each drillship will have a second BOP to minimize non-productive time. Expected costs for the additional riser, BOP and training and ramp-up costs will be approximately $75 million.
The agreement with HHI also includes an option for a similar fifth drillship exercisable in 4Q 2012, for delivery in 3Q 2015.