Report to Hurricane confirms potential of WoS finds

Nov. 23, 2011
Hurricane Exploration has issued results of a new Competent Person’s Report (CPR) on its Lancaster and Whirlwind discoveries west of Shetland in the UK sector.

Offshore staff

GODALMING, UK – Hurricane Exploration has issued results of a new Competent Person’s Report (CPR) on its Lancaster and Whirlwind discoveries west of Shetland in the UK sector.

The CPR, prepared by RPS Energy Consultants, estimates 2C contingent resources in Lancaster at 207 MMboe and those at Whirlwind at 179-205 MMboe.

According to Hurricane, these prognoses compare favorably with the average size of other UKCS discoveries in 2009 and 2010 (20-23 MMboe).

Hurricane operates both its finds with a 100% interest.
