Offshore staff
RIO DE JANEIRO – Petróleo Brasileiro S.A says well 4-BRSA-946C-SPS, informally referred to as Biguá, has found a new accumulation of good-quality oil in the Santos basin presalt play. The well, in block BM-S-8 is 270 km (168 mi) offshore São Paulo state in the 1-BRSA-532A-SPS Discovery Appraisal Area in 2,180 m (7,152 ft) water depth. A third well is scheduled to spud in the Carcará area in a few days, says Petrobras. Petrobras is the consortium operator (66%) in partnership with Shell Brasil Petroleo Ltda (20%) and Petrogal Brasil (14%). Shell’s interest was acquired by Barra Energia do Brasil Petróleo e Gás Ltda (10%) and Queiroz Galvão Exploração e Produçáo S.A. (10%); the subject to final approval by the National Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels Agency (ANP).11/30/2011