Clontarf outlines exploration aims for Tano 2A in Ghana

Sept. 30, 2011
Clontarf Energy is keen to start exploration in the Tano 2A block offshore/onshore Ghana.

Offshore staff

DUBLIN, Ireland – Clontarf Energy is keen to start exploration in the Tano 2A block offshore/onshore Ghana.

Last year the company signed an agreement with the Ghanaian National Petroleum Co. (GNPC) on the 1,532- sq km (591-sq mi) block, giving Clontarf 60% equity, in partnership with Petrel Resources and Ghanaian interests 10%.

The block is close to the prolific Jubilee oil field.

Clontarf says that as with other countries, Ghana requires cabinet and parliamentary approval of all concessions awarded. In a statement, the company said: “The process takes time but we are working our way through the system.

“Tano 2A is a good block with both onshore and shallow offshore possibilities. New seismic is needed to better define targets, but the ultimate test is a well or two. We are eager to begin exploration.”
