XTO UK is seeking offers for its 15% interest in UK Southern North Sea blocks 47/5b, 48/1a, and 48/1c, according to broker Indigo Pool, a subsidiary of Schlumberger.
Offshore staff
LONDON -- XTO UK is seeking offers for its 15% interest in UK Southern North Sea blocks 47/5b, 48/1a, and 48/1c, according to broker Indigo Pool, a subsidiary of Schlumberger.
The blocks include Platypus, a gas accumulation discovered last year by Dana Petroleum.
Well 48/1a-5 well encountered 218 vertical ft (66 m) of Rotliegendes, Lower Leman gas-bearing sands. Dana suspended the well for a possible re-entry, and an appraisal well could be drilled this year.
Indigo Pool adds that there is upside potential in the blocks in the Possum prospect.
XTO is also offering its 33% interest in Witch Ground Graben block 15/30b, north of the Britannia gas-condensate field, and which is covered by a reprocessed 3D survey.